Chimeras of the Undercity

Vulgate Gimgen is planning an invasion. The Synod will take the over-city when it lies undefended, stars and soldiers alike unwatching as the Blood Tide ends. Though their numbers are few, they will be bolstered by strange beasts and amalgams from the Chimera Temple.

For use with 5e D&D. Roll d6 for each section of the chimera. When a section is reduced to 0 HP, abilities tied to that section can no longer be used. Sort of like this.

d6Front SectionMid SectionRear Section
20 HP60 HP20 HP
14 AC14 AC14 AC
+ 15 ft.+ 15 ft.
Sticky Tongue +7, pulls target into meleeHefty Grab +5, d6 bludgeoningPounce Jump up to twice total speed. Adv on next melee attack this turn
Swallow DC 15 Dex, 3d6 acid and restrained
10 HP20 HP30 HP
12 AC12 AC12 AC
+ 25 ft., climb
Poison bite +7, 1d4 piercing and DC 15 Con, 3d6 poison and paralysedSilk Secretes strong silky threads
30 HP30 HP20 HP
16 AC16 AC16 AC
+ 30 ft.
Slimy maw + 5, 3d6 poisonScamper Dash action uses double movementTail Regrowth Regains 5 HP at start of turn, which heals one other section when Tail is at max HP
20 HP20 HP10 HP
16 AC12 AC12 AC
+ 10 ft.+15 ft.
Beak +5, 1d8 piercingHook +7, 2d6 piercingTalons Reaction d4 piercing when hit by melee attack
10 HP30 HP10 HP
14 AC14 AC14 AC
+20 ft.+30 ft
Ferocious Nibble +7, 1d8 piercingBendy Melee attacks have reach
Whiskers Creatures in melee range attack with disadvantage
10 HP20 HP10 HP
14 AC10 AC14 AC
+30 ft., flyclimb
Echolocation BlindsightClaws +5, 1d4 piercing
Fangs +5, 1d6 piercing